Goals & Objectives - Past, Present, and FuturePromoting the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health of North America’s Indigenous peoples is our labor of love. The goal of the Native Wellness Institute is to continue bringing about positive changes in the lifestyles, relationships, education, and overall wellness of Native Americans. As the Native Community’s leading social-services resource, our current and future objectives focus on the following main areas:
We accomplish this goal by:
Looking to the Future — the 7th Generation Our elders have told us “be careful in the decisions we make today as they will impact the 7th generation- our grandchildren’s grandchildren, grandchildren.” Respect for this wisdom continues to guide us in our commitment to preparing Native youth for a brighter future. It is our cultural responsibility to prepare our young people to be positive, productive, and proactive members of their families and communities. NWI strives to provide a process where our young ones can make a "head to heart" connection and understand the "why" of behaviors and how we can promote and maintain living by the "Warrior's Spirit" being positive, productive, and proactive. We know our ancestors are smiling with pride with our accomplishments in the present… and visions for the future. |
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