Tuesday, March 19
8:00 am - Sign-in
8:30 am - Opening Ceremony
10:30 am - Break
10:45 am - Historical and Intergenerational Trauma : Overview
Noon - Lunch (On your own)
1:30 pm - Where There has been Trauma, Healing is the Answer
2:30 pm - Break
2:45 pm - Trauma and the Brain
3:45 pm - Support Circles
4:30 pm - Closing
5:00 pm - Adjourn
8:30 am - Opening Ceremony
- Welcome, Blessing, Introductions, Overview
10:30 am - Break
10:45 am - Historical and Intergenerational Trauma : Overview
Noon - Lunch (On your own)
1:30 pm - Where There has been Trauma, Healing is the Answer
2:30 pm - Break
2:45 pm - Trauma and the Brain
3:45 pm - Support Circles
4:30 pm - Closing
5:00 pm - Adjourn