Choose Respect: Men's Wellness GatheringMay 17 - 18, 2024
FREE! Meals Provided Men Only Door Prizes For more information, contact Devin at [email protected] About the TrainingMay 5th each year is the national day of awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Relatives. Men, let's gather and do our part to become better men! This FREE gathering is an opportunity to learn new tools to live in balance, to better understand trauma and behaviors and experience collective healing. Through large and small group discussions and interactive activities, participants will get to know each other better, uplift one another, celebrate our successes and let go of things that have been weighing us down. We'll sharpen our skills so that we can be a better version of ourselves. We hope to see you there.
Training Topics
Training SchedulePacific Time Zone
Friday, May 17th 6:00 pm Dinner 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm General Session Saturday, May 18th 9:00 am Continental Breakfast 9:30 am General Session Noon Lunch 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm General Session |